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Discovering Magic in Nature: A Day at Rappahannock Nature Camp's Open House

Yesterday, we had the wonderful opportunity to attend the open house at Rappahannock Nature Camp, and it was truly enchanting! As we arrived, a friendly camper greeted us with homemade lemon balm and mint tea. Following the children's lead, we wandered down to the shady barn where we witnessed a heartwarming gathering of families and friends celebrating their week of nature immersion. There was singing, laughter, juggling, and an abundance of smiles all around.

We were fortunate to meet Lyt Wood, the camp's founder, who shared heartfelt reflections as he bid farewell to his role as counselor after many years. His words were deeply moving, and I found myself emotional listening to how passionate he was. The campers were eager to share their projects with us, showing off baby snapping turtles, salamanders, bullfrog tadpoles, and some fascinating fungi they had discovered. Their hands-on experiences in nature were evident in their newfound knowledge and enthusiasm, which undoubtedly will leave a lasting impression.

A special thanks to Rachel Bynum for warmly welcoming us and showing us the incredible work being done for the community at the camp. My children felt so welcomed and are eagerly asking to attend next year! Looking forward to seeing you again soon.


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