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It’s March, Time to Hang Your Bird Houses!

Every year we hang our window bird house and get to watch beautiful Eastern Bluebirds prepare their nest, lay and hatch eggs! When the babies are here we get to watch them eat, move about the nest and watch their first flights as fledglings!

Our sweet babies!!

A video of one of our babies learning to fly! This was really unusual because another bird came over to sing to the baby!

It’s such a neat thing to take part in, and we haven’t done it since we moved into our new house.

I purchased a “My Spy Bird House” and we just set it up this afternoon. Hoping we get a new bird family to take up residence and share their babies with us!

We decided to hang ours in the office, which is just behind the playroom but not often used by the kids. This way it's more quiet, but still seen daily passing through!

We also made welcome signs for them!

Be sure to hang it at least 5 ft above the ground, and away from any railings so other animals can't jump onto it!

One year we had some nasty sparrows try to kick out our mama bird just after she laid an egg. We googled how to deter the sparrows and it worked! Fishing string wrapped around thumbtacks kept them away, and didn’t seem to bother mama bluebird! Be warned, if you have to make adjustments to your birdhouse like this, mama bird will sound off and swoop you haha, but she did no harm and quickly returned to sit on her eggs just after.

After the babies hatch and start moving around you may have that one billy bad bird who decides to take a look out and fall out onto the ground. If you can get him back into the house that would be nice. It is a myth that mom birds will reject the babies if touched by a human. It is not a myth that cats love birds that can't fly!

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